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MOTs and Testing in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire

Fairway Tyre & Auto Services Rickmansworth offer MOT testing for Classes 1,2,4 & 7. 

We have many years experience in MOT testing and pride ourselves in being a busy testing station, therefore it is advisable to book in advance if possible to avoid any delays to your annual test.

We offer a free 14 day re-test period for our customers.

Modern Air Conditioning systems require yearly servicing and maintenance in order to maintain performance. Vehicle manufacturers now recommend a regular service to maintain the efficiency of the system and ensure the reliable running of your vehicle.

Fairway Tyre and Auto Services Rickmansworth is a simple, cost effective and professional solution to customers' needs.

For more information or to book your car in for its MOT with us, please call us today or fill in the booking form and a member of the team will get back to you.

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